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Founder: Bryson Bort

Founded: 2018

HQ Location: Arlington, VA

In a sentence, your mission in cyber security is: Empower business to quantify their risk across people and technology.

Best part about being located in the greater area? The DMV provides access to top tier talent: engineers who know the edge of what's possible in security.

Worst thing? The traffic when it rains or snows.

Biggest cyber threat we should ALL be  aware of?

Security Poverty Line: most companies cannot afford effective security to protect themselves against threats, while the security industry is primarily focused on sales to the Fortune 1000.   

Biggest opportunity/challenge in 2020 for your company? We are launching the SCYTHE Marketplace, bringing innovative and agile threat capabilities from an elite community of vendors to our platform’s enterprise customers. Real-world threat campaigns are constantly evolving and effective threat emulation requires keeping pace with the latest trends. The SCYTHE Marketplace addresses this challenge by providing vendors an opportunity to directly showcase their latest threat research modules via SCYTHE’s platform and enables enterprise customers to safely measure realistic (simulated) business impact of these threats. Led by SCYTHE’s Advisory Council of industry experts, the Marketplace is a first-of-its-kind opportunity bringing agile attack modules and threat insights to enable vendors and customers to stand out and be a unicorn.

Register for January 29 Red Hot Cyber Event now!