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MasterPeace Solutions Ltd.

Founder: Steve Horn

Founded: 2011

HQ Location: Columbia, MD

Twitter handle: @MasterPeaceLtd

In a sentence, your mission in cyber security is:

Unlocking the imagination and creativity of our engineers while helping them reach their highest potential, to solve mission-critical problems for the U.S. Government and help turn their ideas into viable new commercial cyber technology companies.

Best part about being located in greater DC area? Worst thing? The best thing about being in the greater DC area is the level of cybersecurity talent in our region is the highest in the country, especially when it comes to supporting important national security missions. The worst thing is that the competition among companies for that talent is much higher than in other geographic areas due to the government’s high volume of need for smart Cyber professionals.

Biggest cyber threat we should ALL be aware of?  We should all be aware of the ever-persistent threats coming from nation-states, and the continuous evolution of advanced cyber threats overall.

Biggest opportunity/challenge in 2020 for your company? The opportunity to deliver real commercial deployments for our customers that solve big, complex problems makes 2020 an exciting year for MasterPeace. Our biggest challenge for the coming year will be transitioning from building cool technology products to creating viable, scalable commercial businesses with satisfied customers.

Register for January 29 Red Hot Cyber Event now!