

Founded in 2016, though the CyberWire Daily News Briefing began in 2012. Our founder is Peter Kilpe.

HQ Location: Fulton, MD

In a sentence, your mission in cyber security is: We make the world a safer place through cybersecurity information and education.

Best part about being located in greater area?  Worst thing? Best part: We were born in Baltimore and now that we are in Fulton, we are realizing the benefits of being in closer proximity to many of the companies and agencies that work in the industry in the Greater DC area. Worst part: Increased traffic.

Biggest cyber threat we should ALL be aware of? Remember that technology is getting better all the time, but human factors matter in cybersecurity.

Biggest opportunity/challenge in 2020 for your company? Opportunity: Where to go next? So many important stories in cybersecurity and a big need to separate the signal from the noise. Challenge: Keeping up with our growth. We are growing at a rapid pace and we want to keep our culture and core values intact.

Register for January 29 Red Hot Cyber Event now!